Kelly Williams, known as “Mountain Duck,” is a contemporary artist hailing from New Zealand. A born rascal with an urban upbringing, his artistic journey has roots in graffiti and cartooning, having contributed to well-known TV shows like Brotown and Disney, and writing standout pieces across the heights and train corridors of central Auckland.
His diverse heritage, a fusion of Ngati Kāhu ki Whangaroa iwi and Bræmore Gunn clan, a wealth of cartoons he immersed himself in during his formative years, coupled with a lifelong affinity for skateboard graphics and classic graffiti, all collectively shape his artistic vision. Consequently, Kelly’s creations often feature quirky figures alongside traditional Māori and Celtic deities and shapes, reimagined through a post-graffiti lens. This approach is a tribute to the rebellious spirit and artistic roots shared by both graffiti and animation.
“My path to embracing the title of ‘artist’ has been winding and filled with profound experiences. Despite my initial design school education, then taking on further digital media studies later in life – my passion for creating art remained a hobby during those years while I had bought a home in Auckland, started a family, and launched into a corporate design career.
The turning point that drove me to pursue art full time occurred during my recovery from a traumatic brain injury a few years ago. It was within that healing process and subsequent time period that I’ve discovered my own whakapapa, a true sense of Self, and developed a deep gratitude for this existence. I also rekindled my appreciation for the gift of creativity and found contentment spending more time in nature.
I’ve come to understand that my purpose here is to create art, and to elevate and contribute to the collective mindset with my unique visual language.
I deliver a blend of old-school street influences with a unique twist and hope to amuse and captivate viewers.”
His latest series of artworks, produced under new pseudonym “MÓNDÙC,” showcases bold, vibrant creations. “Freight Train Frights” features refined, expressive marker forms reminiscent of the raw energy seen in monikers adorning trains across the USA, and evokes memories of nights out painting graffiti. Concurrently, “NO DOLLARS OR SEN$E” showcases recurring motifs that incorporate neon color fades, gold foils and metallic elements, overlaid with secret formula street inks.
Currently residing in Whaīngaroa (Raglan), Mountain Duck can also be found in the wild doing a bit of live painting at summer festivals, or live painting events, and his works are becoming quickly collected via silent auction at those. Check out where to find him this summer.
Upcoming events
Art Battle Auckland: Championship Grand Final , Eden Park, 12th April 2024
“ART & BASS”: A Three Lefts live painting performance night, Cassette Nine, Vulcan Lane, 27th April
Instagram: @mountainduck